Student Council Meeting - Term 2

Student Council Meeting – 24th January 2018

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The second Student Council meeting of the academic year is taking place on the 24th January.

Student Council is the highest representational body of the Union. The role of Council is to set the Student Policy of the Union, hold the Executive Committee to account and provide political oversight.

Student Council is made up of a total of fifteen Councillors, three from each School, who are elected in the Union’s October elections. If you join the meeting you will have the opportunity to hear how your School Councillor represent you and seek to improve the services within the University and your School. A list of councillors can be found here

Whilst only members of Council can vote to make changes; all City students can attend, submit a motion and debate at Student Council.

The deadline for motions is Thursday 17th January 2019 and further guidance can be found here.  

The meeting will take place in room BGL07 and students are invited to attend from 4.30pm when a democracy related workshop will take place and refreshments will be provided. The business of the Student Council meeting will officially begin at 5pm.

If the November Student Council is anything to go by, then January’s meeting will be just as engaging, fun and interesting.

For events information see here and if you have any questions please contact:

We look forward to seeing you there!



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