Today's the day!
The Students' Union Officers that you elected earlier this year have finally taken up post today! Here's what they have to say.

I’m Gesmina, (pronounced with a J), also known as Ges and I am thrilled to be your upcoming Students Union President for the 2022-2023 academic year here at City. I am extremely honoured and humbled to represent all students from all schools and departments and be the voice you need in order to improve your student experience. I am a City student myself, currently completing my master’s degree in International Politics & Human Rights. I have also been involved in the City community as a student representative of my course and as a councillor for the School of Arts & Social Sciences.
I have a drive and passion for improving the academic organisation; that involves working on improving IT systems such as creating an efficient timetable. Moreover, I am keen to work on improving the communication between different departments and building a transparent relationship with the students. The wellbeing and social life of city students is something I find very important and want to constantly work on and improve. I am planning on organising great social, inclusive events and having social collaborations across different departments for students to network more. I will be working on inviting influential & academic speakers to create an inclusive environment where we spark more interesting discussions among students. Lastly, I am very passionate in lobbying the university for tuition fees reimbursement due to the strikes. Overall, I want to create an environment where all students feel heard and involved in the change and progress of their student experience. I want to be your Saturday on a Monday morning lol. xx

Hi everyone, I’m Aaminah, Deputy president at the student’s union. I studied Law here at City. First, let’s start with a little bit about me, I am passionate about Law, Human Rights & Governance. I’m an avid Chai lover, although British being ethnically Indian, it’s a given. Some of my hobbies include reading books non-fiction and fiction that enrich on world affairs and inform on different cultures and historical practices and the relationship that it holds for women. My priorities for this year include creating better wellbeing for students at City, this will hopefully be achieved by hosting inclusive events. I also aim to tackle the BAME attainment gap and continue with the decolonising curriculum movement. I truly believe in the power of the student voice which has become stronger in the three years that I have been here at City, I aim to harness that as much as possible to create the best experience for students and a better world. The impact that I intend to have is creating a sense of community at City and mitigating any students feeling isolated. Most importantly, I aim to inspire students to get involved within the student activist movement and educate them on the impact we can have collectively to making key transformations for a better world and conclusively a positive student experience.

My dear friends, I’m Fortune and I believe that life is good and should be enjoyed by all. This requires putting smiles on people's faces. I feel happy with a positive outlook on life and as a simple, open-minded and accommodating person I take pride in identifying student pains-points and being actively involved in getting solutions to their challenges. I believe that student satisfaction is the impact of good leadership. Here are my priorities.
The real world expects you to graduate with flying colours to be considered good for job offers but that may not happen if your assessment criteria is not fair enough. I therefore intend to stimulate discussions on how assessments can be made to be more student friendly.
Students deserve good reading conditions including access to library and library services round the clock.
Our societies should be focused on organising events that have the potential of creating an array of lifetime friends that can help you actualize your social and lifelong dreams. The university should liaise with employers of labour to bring students their dream jobs.
I am optimistic that my work as a Students' Union Officer will impact your student life in the following ways:
- Excellent quality of student representation through pushing for favourable university policies.
- Working with individual students and students' groups to ensure that their challenges - no matter how intricate they may be - are sorted out.
- Students-friendly assessment timeframe.
- Ensuring that societies and communities create a conducive ambience for lifelong social networks
- 24 hours library services on all days of the week most especially during term.
- Student prices for basic consumables
- An extension slot per module

Hello everybody. My name is Yavuz Emin Kafadar. I am a lawyer from Turkey, and I am currently a master student here in City Law School. I term my priorities about the Student Union as “community”, “productivity”, and “democracy”.
This is a brief introduction to my priorities. I see a good university as a place where people from all kinds of backgrounds come together in a friendly environment and develop intellectually valuable ideas. People coming together from all backgrounds and working and learning together requires a community feeling. This feeling will support all the members of this community in the future even after graduation. So, students will not be just some guests here, but they will be permanent parts of this strong community that we will be trying to build here in the Student Union. The productivity on the other hand, is the goal of the universities of the world as the intellectual environments. This ‘productivity’ we aim for here will support the members of City Community in their journey of being successful whatever they are planning to build their lives on. Lastly, being a ‘productive’ ‘community’ requires a democratic environment for students. The students will feel as a part of the community once they started to take a role in the decision-making mechanisms of the university as much as possible. This is particularly important because students should realise, they are the most important stakeholders of this university. Within a ‘democratic’ environment, they will feel more as a part of this ‘community’ and they will be more ‘productive’.