At City Students’ Union we are committed to promoting an inclusive environment for our team; working to oppose and challenge all forms of discrimination, inequality, and injustices to create a fairer and more equitable experience for people. We aim for our team to be truly representative of City and wider society, and for each person in our team to feel respected and able to be their best.
Here are some of the ways we do this:
- We have an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Board who set our Equality & Diversity Strategy – a subgroup of our Trustee Board (our highest governing body).
- We have a Race Equality Resource Hub for students and staff, and we have a Race Equality Library in our office. All staff are encouraged to borrow and read the race equality books.
- We play a lead role in the university's Race Equality Charter, with our Chief Executive Co-Chairing the overall charter and other staff and sabbatical officer roles being members and taking leadership roles on subgroups.
- We run regular staff training for all our team relating to varied protected characteristics. For example, unconscious bias training; or disability awareness.
- We have an active Race Equality Group made up of staff across our organisation with the aim of improving representation, progression, and success of staff of colour.
- Our team are encouraged to join City’s Staff Networks: LGBTQI+; Disabled staff; Racial Justice; Women.
- We complete Equality Impact Assessments for all new projects, campaigns and for major changes.
- We also recognise that we don’t always get things right and need to leave space to listen and learn from our people and the wider City community. If you want to chat to us about our equality work, drop us an email