City Students’ Union would like to invite you to a focus group discussion to hear what you think about the catering services at City.
The purpose of the focus group is to understand how you feel about the catering facilities within the university, and how this impacts your university experience. This includes how you use the catering services and spaces, what you think of them and how you’d like to see them improved in the future. We are holding two student focus groups:
Wednesday 27th April 11am-12:15pm (in person at City Students' Union)
Thursday 28th April 1pm-2:15pm (online on MS Teams)
Click on the links to sign up now!
During the focus groups you will be asked your personal opinion on a range of matters relating to the catering facilities and spaces at City and how you feel these could better suit your needs. You will also be asked to consider topics within the group context.
The discussion is confidential and will be organised and facilitated by our independent research partner Social Engine.
As a thank you for your time, all participants will be provided £10 for your time.
If you have any questions, please email The first invitees to reach out will have their places confirmed. Please purchase a free ticket to sign up or join the waiting list if there are no more tickets available.
Thank you again for offering to help with our research. Your answers will shape the catering services at City so they better meet your needs.